
Showing posts with the label Godwits and Curlews

Black-tailed Godwits | 4K | Nalsarovar, Gujarat, India

Black-tailed Godwit [Aguja Colinegra]

Black-tailed Godwit [Aguja Colinegra]

Whimbrel [Playero Trinador]

Common Snipe, Ruff, Red-wattled Lapwing, Black-tailed Godwit

Black-tailed Godwit, Ruff

Whimbrel [Playero Trinador]

Black-tailed Godwit [Aguja Colinegra]

Black-tailed Godwit [Aguja Colinegra]

Whimbrel [Playero Trinador]

Whimbrel [Playero Trinador]

Eurasian Curlew [Zarapito Real]

Black-tailed Godwit & Common Redshank

Black-tailed Godwit